The Audit & Risk Committee, which consists of Non-Executive Directors Alyson Levett (Chair), Mark Castle, Dr. Annette Nabavi and James Pellatt, meets with the auditors at least three times a year. The Committee reviews the financial statements prior to their recommendation to the Board for approval and assists the Board in ensuring that appropriate accounting policies, internal financial controls and compliance procedures are in place.
Read the Terms of Reference here.
The Remuneration Committee, which consists of the Non-Executive Directors Dr. Annette Nabavi (Chair), Mark Castle, Alyson Levett and James Pellatt, is responsible for determining the remuneration arrangements of the Executive Directors and for advising the Board on the Company’s remuneration policy for senior executives.
Read the Terms of Reference here.
The Nominations Committee, which consists of Non-Executive Directors Mark Castle (Chair), Dr. Annette Nabavi, Alyson Levett and James Pellatt, is responsible for reviewing the structure, size and composition of the Board and its Committees and evaluating potential candidates for nomination when and if it is deemed necessary to appoint a new Director to the Board. The Committee makes its recommendations to the full Board for its consideration and approval.
Read the Terms of Reference here.
The ESG Committee, which consists of Non-Executive Directors Mark Castle (Chair), Dr. Annette Nabavi, Alyson Levett, James Pellatt, Chief Executive Officer Jonathan Hunter and Chief Financial Officer Neil Pritchard, is responsible for oversight of the development and implementation of the Company’s ESG strategy, for ensuring compliance with relevant regulatory and legal requirements, and for monitoring emerging ESG trends and international standards.
Read the Terms of Reference here.